How Utilities can Utilize IoT Apps to Improve Service

Published on January 3, 2023

The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interconnected sensors and devices that…

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Chat with the world’s most advanced AI chatbot

Published on December 29, 2022

Dogtown Media, a leading mobile app developer is proud to present Merlin AI, a revolutionary…

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AI for Financial Advisors: How Does It Help?

Published on December 21, 2022

For years, financial advisors have been a mainstay of the investment and finance world, offering…

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mHealth Apps and Medical Wearables to Improve Cardiac Health

Published on November 9, 2022

Heart disease is a serious and widespread health concern, with millions of people suffering from…

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Using AI for Operating Room Scheduling

Published on November 7, 2022

Operating room scheduling is a challenging task. With so many different patient needs and surgical…

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Artificial Intelligence for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products

Published on November 3, 2022

As scientists continue exploring the many complex interactions of chemistry, they are encountering a new…

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