How Can A Mobile App Help Your Business?
February 22, 2022 - 7 minutes readIt is hard to debate the validity and importance of a mobile application. This truth is especially relevant for a company in today’s competitive and data-driven business world. There are many positive ways that a mobile application can help develop a business. As a prominent mobile app developer, we believe that a mobile app is undoubtedly one of the best ways to augment your existing business offering and maximize your product offering in the marketplace.
The relationship between businesses and mobile applications is a broad topic. It covers everything from design and development, value proposition, marketing, and customer retention. To frame this article, we want to look at how a mobile application can help your business grow and develop. As an iPhone app developer in Seattle, we’ve seen a tremendous buzz around how to position an app to grow one’s business so we felt this would make a great opportunity to address some of the key reasons why building a mobile application can be beneficial for your company.
Your Business Needs a Mobile App
It might be hard to believe, but there was a time when mobile apps were a luxury. The accepted truth was a mobile application was the domain for only the large and well-established organizations. These companies could afford the development and sustainment cost. They came with a built-in customer base that benefited from the app and provided a return on the app investment.
Things are different today. It seems nearly every company, large, small, or start-up, has a mobile application that supports their business and customers. If your company doesn’t have a mobile app yet, it’s hard to find a reason to justify why not. The good news is that it’s not too late to jump in the game. If you need a solid marketing and outreach strategy, a mobile application will help with these efforts.
Perhaps the most appealing aspect of a mobile application, especially from a customer standpoint, is its accessibility to a company’s products or services. If the app meets your customer’s needs, the potential for increased revenue and business growth is robust.
Mobile App Market Growth
In 2018, the global mobile application market’s valuation was $106.27 billion. By 2026, that number could grow to $407.31 billion. It doesn’t seem to matter what sector of the economy a mobile app supports. Growth trends project upward for industries such as e-commerce, health and fitness, enterprise apps, and mobile gaming.
It is essential to know the primary purpose of your mobile app and what service(s) it provides. You must determine how it will increase or improve customer engagement. A company should not build a mobile app without knowing this critical information first. And a good driver of this type of information is big data analytics. Even if you don’t have a mobile app yet, chances are you do have a website that generates data. Sales, revenue, customer feedback, and marketing performance metrics are data points that help create the mobile application your customers need.
Benefits of a Mobile App
Mobile applications offer value and help to develop business in several ways. A few examples include:
Increase Brand Recognition
Any additional tool to the marketing strategy is a good thing. A mobile app is as much an advertisement of your business as it is a digital connection to the products or services you offer. Brand recognition with mobile applications combines design, function, and marketing to engage your current customers and draw in new ones.
Added Revenue Stream
If your application doesn’t sell products or services, that doesn’t mean that it can’t be an additional source of revenue. In-app advertising is certainly a tried-and-true business strategy. However, if your company does sell a product or service, a mobile application provides 24/7 access to your offerings.
Increased Customer Engagement
A mobile app is a direct way for anyone with a mobile device to reach your company. Provide different methods to achieve this. Communications such as in-app chat or texting, email, or even a phone, lowers the barrier for customer engagement.
Potential Customer Growth
As your business grows from mobile app engagement, word of mouth, high app store ratings, and positive reviews foster customer growth. Having to scale up to handle increased business is a good problem.
Developing a Mobile Application
There are many ways to develop a mobile application for your business. Perhaps there is staff already on-hand that have the technical expertise to develop in-house. However, you must consider the cost savings of in-house development against possible trade-offs. Is it worth the added stress and workload on employees with additional responsibilities for your company?
Another option is drag-and-drop mobile application development tools. These low or no-code automation tools make it easier for non-technical people to build and deploy applications. However, these tools don’t consider the overall deployment and sustainment. Especially when your business grows and develops. Sustainment, management, and scaling are up to you.
One of the most successful ways to add a mobile application to your business is to partner with a mobile app development company. At Dogtown Media, our business is your mobile application. We address every step of mobile application from the initial design and development to deployment, sustainment, and security. We are confident our track record speaks for itself. Take advantage of the opportunity with a free consultation and see how we can bring your mobile application to your customers.
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