Has Apple Won the Wearables War, or Is It Just Beginning?

Published on December 21, 2017

Wearable technology is a relatively young technology; this category of the Internet of Things (IoT)…

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These MedTech Apps Can Keep Your Mind Healthy

Published on December 21, 2017

Although healthcare structures are vastly different between places like Los Angeles and Toronto, technology is breaking down barriers…

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Google is Opening an AI Center in China

Published on December 20, 2017

Artificial intelligence (AI) is growing rapidly. Last September, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that whoever…

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The Holidays Are a Crucial Time for Mobile App Exposure

Published on December 19, 2017

Online shopping now plays an essential role during the holiday season. Each year, it manages…

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Drones Are Being Deployed to Stop Shark Attacks in Australia

Published on December 18, 2017

In a previous segment of Dogtown Media News, we discussed how drone development has been…

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Are Cryptocurrency Apps as Secure as They Say They Are?

Published on December 15, 2017

Cybersecurity remains a hot topic in the tech community, as there seems to be no…

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Will Blockchain Revolutionize the Internet of Things?

Published on December 14, 2017

2018 is poised to be a year of scaling and specialization for the Internet of Things…

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How AI Will Impact The Rise of Smart Cities

Published on December 14, 2017

The One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI), updated every five years, launched last…

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New mHealth Apps Can Deduce What Ails You

Published on December 13, 2017

It wasn’t too long ago that the concept of MedTech app development would have baffled both…

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AI Is Disrupting the Future of FinTech

Published on December 12, 2017

Finance, like many other industries, is utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) more than ever before. Financial bots…

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