The Future of the Smart Home Security Market

Published on November 16, 2017

The Internet of Things (IoT) is all-encompassing. Any physical object with actuators, software, sensors, or…

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Tech Titans Are Working on AI That Creates AI

Published on November 16, 2017

Artificial intelligence’s reach into the technology industry is immeasurable right now. Every big tech company…

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AI Is Irreversibly Changing Mobile Personalization

Published on November 15, 2017

Stop the presses! Our Co-founder and CTO, Rob Pope, is speaking at the Smart Home…

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Google Changes Company Vision to “AI-first” and Announces

Published on November 14, 2017

Not to take attention away from today’s article, but Rob Pope, our awesome CTO and…

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The Differences Between AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning

Published on November 13, 2017

Not to steal the thunder from today’s topic, but Rob Pope, our very own CTO…

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Apple and GE Partnership Will Change Industrial IoT Apps Forever

Published on November 10, 2017

Apple and General Electric (GE) recently announced a new software development kit (SDK) for iOS….

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All You Need to Know About Artificial Intelligence

Published on November 9, 2017

Artificial intelligence’s (AI) reach into today’s technology, brands, and products is completely seamless. It plays…

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A Decentralized AI App Store Is Launching in 2018

Published on November 9, 2017

We’re all familiar with the app stores on our phones. Now, there’s a startup raising…

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Machine Learning App Developer

Published on November 8, 2017 [/vc_column] Machine Learning Apps Make your app smarter, accurate, and more efficient. FREE CONSULTATION "Imagine... Read More

Researchers Discover Easy Hacks for Popular Dating Apps Like Tinder and OkCupid

Published on November 8, 2017

Great news, IoT app developers! You get a break from Dogtown Media News’ cybersecurity installment…

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