Tech and Politics Meet at Innovations in Silicon Beach Event

Published on September 22, 2017

With technological innovation accelerating at an astonishing pace, it can be hard to tell the…

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AR Apps Allow Users to Practice Virtual Feng Shui

Published on September 21, 2017

Dallas iOS app developers are excited that iOS 11 is finally here — and with…

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Amazon Is Making Alexa-Connected Smart Glasses

Published on September 20, 2017

The fizzled hype (and missed opportunity) of Google Glass remains fresh in memory. Of course,…

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Facebook Will Likely Have to Testify About Those Russian Ads

Published on September 19, 2017

Any banking app developer online during last year’s contentious U.S. presidential election knows that the…

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Slack Picks Up $250 Million in Funds from SoftBank

Published on September 18, 2017

Chances are, iPhone app developers have used Slack or are currently using it to ease…

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Machine Learning Turns Drones Into Literal Inspector Gadgets

Published on September 15, 2017

We have written already this week about Amazon’s advances in automation, which could eventually replace…

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Can Amazon Remain on the Cutting Edge of Jobs and Automation?

Published on September 14, 2017

Last week, Amazon announced that it is looking for the right city to house its…

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UK Government Adopts Anti-“Killer Robot” Stance

Published on September 13, 2017

Among internet of things app developers, Elon Musk is nearly as famous for his apocalyptic…

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Here Comes the New iPhone (Please Let There Be Surprises)

Published on September 12, 2017

The day has finally come: it’s September 12th and tech reporters and Apple cognoscenti will…

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Zello App Helps People Weather the Storms in TX and FL

Published on September 11, 2017

Sure, every app developer dreams of creating an addictive blockbuster app that hooks users, but…

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