Get Ready for Tech Leaders to Start Disrupting Elections

Published on August 10, 2017

The incredible growth in technology we have witnessed over the past few decades was only…

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Omega Ophthalmics Wants to Put the Power of AR in Our Eyes

Published on August 9, 2017

So far the hype about augmented reality has been somewhat undermined by the frivolousness of…

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Amazon Designed a Mobile Platform for Its Delivery Drones

Published on August 8, 2017

Amazon clearly believes that drones are key to the online shopping giant’s continued success and…

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Manifesto Heats Up the Conversation About Diversity in Tech

Published on August 7, 2017

Like much of the rest of America, Silicon Valley has had to do some soul-searching…

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Tech Leaders Recruited to Modernize Federal Agencies

Published on August 4, 2017

With all the scrutiny he faces for his sketchy run-ins with the Russians, it’s easy…

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FCC Hopes to Crack Down on Scams in the Lifeline Program

Published on August 3, 2017

It’s been pretty easy to vilify the FCC under Trump-appointed Ajit Pai because, well, so…

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Senators Want More Secure IoT Devices for the Government

Published on August 2, 2017

Internet of things app developers are excited about the possibilities generated by our current IoT…

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Spotify Picked Up Ten Million Subscribers Since March

Published on August 1, 2017

Chances are, most app developers do not need to be sold on Spotify. With its…

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Apple Assists Chinese Government with Its Crackdown on VPNs

Published on July 31, 2017

Apple is the largest company in the world by market valuation, thanks in large part…

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Amazon Sheds Profits to Fuel Its Incredible Expansion

Published on July 28, 2017

Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos got the opportunity to be the richest man in…

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