Self-Driving Car Crash Adds to the Pile-Up of Bad Uber News

Published on March 28, 2017

Uber has spent the early months of 2017 in crisis, and from the look of…

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Amazon Aims to Conquer New Markets with Physical Stores

Published on March 27, 2017

Last week, one of Amazon Prime Air’s drones dropped off a small box of sunscreen…

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Senate Dismantles Obama-Era Internet Privacy Protections

Published on March 24, 2017

For app developers concerned with privacy, yesterday was a dark day. Senate Republicans passed a…

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Google Vows Change After Ad Firms Exit Over Offensive Videos

Published on March 24, 2017

Mobile app developers who have found themselves lost in a YouTube hole can attest to…

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SpaceX Pursues Elon Musk’s “Space Internet” Ambitions

Published on March 23, 2017

The big dreams of Elon Musk fascinate app developers worldwide, who admire the scope of…

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Apple’s New Clips App Creates Another Way to Tell Stories

Published on March 22, 2017

It seems as if everybody wants to play the Snapchat game these days, which is…

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Latest Amazon App Update Brings Alexa to the iPhone

Published on March 21, 2017

Look out, Siri — there’s a new voice on the iPhone, and its name is…

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EU Cracks Down on Consumer Rights Violations on Social Media

Published on March 20, 2017

In this era of “fake news,” hateful trolling, and increasing privacy concerns, the negative aspects…

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Why Aren’t Developers Chasing the iMessage App Boom?

Published on March 17, 2017

Messaging apps — which is to say, apps that existing within messaging platforms like iMessage,…

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Dogtown Media & Craftsman Oyster Shuck a Huge Success

Published on March 16, 2017

SXSW has rounded out to be a wild experience this year, and our Oyster Shuck…

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