Zuckerburg Authorizes $6 Billion Facebook Stock Buyback

Published on November 25, 2016

Big news is coming for social media giant Facebook in the first quarter of 2017,…

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Instagram Combines Snapchat and Periscope for Live Video

Published on November 23, 2016

The best artists steal. The best iPhone app developers adopt the most popular features around…

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This 18-year-old’s Startup Could Accelerate Development Time

Published on November 22, 2016

Every once in a while, something comes along that disrupts the app development cycle and…

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How Startups can Fight App Abandonment in the App Store

Published on November 21, 2016

The annual App Store statistics are in, and the results don’t look good for small-time…

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Mobile Forecast: the Next 4 years in Medical App Development

Published on November 18, 2016

Mobile tech revolutionized transportation, finances, and communication. In the short span of five years, mobile…

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Snowden Warns of Promise and Peril of Augmented Reality AppsSnowden Warns of Promise and Peril of Augmented Reality Apps

Published on November 18, 2016

Even NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden bumped into people playing Pokemon Go in recent months —…

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What “Anti-Smartphone” Products Have To Teach Developers

Published on November 17, 2016

App fatigue is an epidemic, and smartphone users feel more overwhelmed by technology than every…

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Voice PayPal Via Siri the Latest Push for Mobile Payments

Published on November 16, 2016

Mobile payments have made slow progress when it comes to winning over daily, mainstream app…

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Facebook Eyes LinkedIn with New Recruitment Features

Published on November 15, 2016

Facebook’s app development team has been in the news lately for their “memorial page” banner…

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Mobile App Industry Reacts to Trump Presidency

Published on November 14, 2016

Reactions from the tech sector have been particularly charged since the final votes were tallied…

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