Apple Going All-in on IoT and Connected Home Devices

Published on September 15, 2016

The smart home is here — it just isn’t evenly distributed yet. (Or, more specifically,…

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Facebook Messenger Opens Native Payments to Bot Developers

Published on September 14, 2016

There’s been a lot of chatter about the “bot revolution” the past few months, but…

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5 Hot NYC Mobile App Startups to Keep an Eye On

Published on September 13, 2016

New York is a unique startup hub for US iOS app developers, sort of like…

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3 “Easy” Startup Roles, and Why They Aren’t Actually Easy

Published on September 12, 2016

Engineers can dismiss designers as frivolous and unskilled. Designers are just as likely to dismiss…

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New Medicare Law Opens the Door for mHealth Startups

Published on September 9, 2016

The medical industry has been under seige by the tech sector for a decade now…

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App Store Sees 106% Growth as iPhone 7 Launches

Published on September 8, 2016

This has been a huge week for iPhone app developers. First, thanks to an unintended…

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Google Analytics Come to Cards for Mobile App Developers

Published on September 7, 2016

Google’s Analytics suite has been growing steadily larger on the back end, adding new features…

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Lack of Regulation Makes Drones a Danger and an Opportunity

Published on September 6, 2016

Drones are undeniably on the rise. Consumers are already getting used to the idea of…

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Mobile App Developers Gamify Biology, Discover New Species

Published on September 5, 2016

There are over 8 million animal species in the world — finding, identifying, and cataloguing…

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What the Last.Fm Security Breach Says about Mobile Privacy

Published on September 2, 2016

“We are currently investigating the leak of some user passwords. This follows recent password…

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