Why Co-Founders Should Learn Basic Coding Skills

Published on August 23, 2016

If you ever take a look at Hacker News comment threads or the Reddit startup…

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Founder Problems: Mobile Advertising Is Fundamentally Broken

Published on August 22, 2016

Have you surfed the web on your iPhone or Android without an ad blocker lately?…

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Startup Blockai Tackles a Big Problem: Copyright Control

Published on August 19, 2016

If you’re a photographer, artist, or writer, there’s only one way to stop people from…

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Alleged NSA Leak Raises Alarms over Digital Security

Published on August 18, 2016

While users often think of their phones and laptops as digital safe deposit boxes, the…

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How to Make an App Your Users (and the App Store) Will Love

Published on August 16, 2016

Submitting apps to the Apple App Store is the scariest part of mobile app development….

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Social Networking App Developers: Go Niche, or Go Home

Published on August 16, 2016

Instagram for photos. Snapchat for goofing off. Facebook for letting Mom know you’re still alive….

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New Film Explores the Cultural Effects of Mobile Technology

Published on August 16, 2016

Mobile is entering adulthood. More than 60% of US adults own smartphones, and virtually everyone…

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App Developer Input Could Make MedTech Mainstream by 2019

Published on August 15, 2016

It’s been a big year for MedTech, and mobile app developers building medical products are…

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How to Monetize Mobile Gaming Apps Without Churning Users

Published on August 12, 2016

Remember Angry Birds? Then you probably also remember the annoying, repetitive ads for the ill-fated…

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Facebook Algorithm Change Is Opportunity for Digital Brands

Published on August 11, 2016

Facebook recently made another major update to their News Feed algorithm, penalizing news sources responsible…

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