Entrepreneurs vs Appreneurs: What Makes Startups Different

Published on May 24, 2016

If you keep up with the tech scene, chances are you’ve heard the term “appreneur.”…

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iOS vs Android: How to Create a Compelling UI

Published on May 24, 2016

One of the biggest misconceptions about UI design from newcomers to mobile app development is…

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The Cult of Failure: Why Startup Culture Celebrates Mistakes

Published on May 23, 2016

One failure is bad. Two is questionable. Three indicates persistence. Beyond that? Unstoppable. One of…

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Huawei, Humai, and the Quest for Immortality Through Tech

Published on May 20, 2016

In a fascinating report to Bloomberg, Huawei spokesperson Kevin ho described the company’s ongoing investments…

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Explain Like I’m Five: UX vs UI vs Graphic Designers

Published on May 19, 2016

You say tom-ay-to, I say tom-ah-to. I say UX designer, you say “what’s UX exactly?”…

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Even YouTube Wants in on the Messaging App Revolution

Published on May 17, 2016

It’s no secret among Chicago iPhone app developers that messaging apps like Telegram and WeChat…

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Slack Vs Hipchat: Communication Isn’t Just about Tools

Published on May 17, 2016

“It’s a poor carpenter that blames their tools.” It may be a cliche, but that…

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4 Lessons Startups Can Learn from Small Businesses

Published on May 16, 2016

According to CB Insights, only 1.28% of startups become unicorns. Does that make the other…

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App Store Review Process Cut by More than a Third

Published on May 13, 2016

New data from AppReviewTimes.com indicates that review times in the Apple iOS and Mac app…

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Conversion, Statistics, Data: It’s All about Happy Users

Published on May 13, 2016

  Communication between PMs, developers, and designers can at times resemble a peace summit between…

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