Amazon EC2 Hosting Service Outage Knocks Big Name Mobile Apps Offline

Published on August 26, 2013

Amazon Web Services (AWS), an spin-off company built for software developers, suffered a major…

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Apple Granted Patent for Gesture Controls Technology

Published on August 20, 2013

Apple was recently granted a new patent by the USPTO for their application entitled “Working…

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Amazon Launches Developer Friendly SNS Push Messaging Service

Published on August 13, 2013

Push messaging is a must have for any app that depends upon user engagement for…

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Apple Insiders Predict New iPhone Release in Early September

Published on August 12, 2013

Apple is prepped for a big announcement at their September 10th event. Industry insiders expect…

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iOS 7 Beta 5 Released to App Developers

Published on August 8, 2013

Apple recently released the 5th version of iOS 7 beta to the iPhone and iPad…

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American Internet Connection Speeds Lag Western World

Published on August 8, 2013

Being slow, falling behind, and lacking innovation may be traits commonly reserved for failed states…

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Apple Dominance Slipping as Competitors Out-Innovate

Published on August 6, 2013

Apple Inc. can’t seem to catch a break these days as the tech giant’s market…

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Google Replaces AT&T as Wi-fi Provider for Starbucks Coffee Shops

Published on August 2, 2013

AT&T provides sub-par telecom services, from spotty cell reception to snail-paced internet access. They suck…

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Facebook Jumps into Mobile Gaming World

Published on July 31, 2013

The juggernaut of social networking is positioned to make a tremendous splash in the mobile…

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Android Fragmentation Only Getting Worse

Published on July 30, 2013

  In our brave new mobile centric world, one year equals an entire life-cycle of…

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