The AI Effect on Employment – a Net Positive or Negative?

Published on February 15, 2021

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are growing rapidly, and we’re seeing advancements in…

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5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Telehealth Appointments

Published on February 11, 2021

Telehealth is one technology that emerged during the pandemic that experts expect to stick around…

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The 5 Biggest IIoT Adoption Challenges (and How to Address Them)

Published on February 10, 2021

Industrial IoT (IIoT) is gaining traction quickly as the world has had to rapidly adapt…

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Dogtown Media Is Named a Top Machine Learning Developer of 2021 by Techreviewer!

Published on February 9, 2021

We’ve barely just begun 2021, but it’s already shaping up to be an amazing year…

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Has COVID-19 Catalyzed an Automation Revolution?

Published on February 8, 2021

Robots are getting better at their jobs, and robotics engineers are building more life-like robots…

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5 Wearable Tech Trend Predictions for 2021

Published on February 4, 2021

The new year is when millions of us set goals for the upcoming months, and…

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5 Internet of Things Trends We’ll See In 2021

Published on February 3, 2021

Technology became a necessary part of our personal and work lives in 2020, and emerging…

Read More Recognizes Dogtown Media as One of 2021’s Best iPhone App Developers!

Published on February 2, 2021

2021 may have just begun, but it’s already shaping up to be a promising year…

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How Natural Language Processing AI Is Detecting COVID-19 Variants

Published on February 1, 2021

Natural language processing (NLP) is an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that is used to analyze…

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Can This New Wearable Help Identify COVID-19 Faster?

Published on January 28, 2021

A new wearable promises to track your temperature throughout the day as an early-warning detection…

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