Machine Learning Use Cases

4 Ways Machine Learning is Reinventing Healthcare

Published on December 11, 2018

In the upcoming years, McKinsey estimates that big data and machine learning use cases in…

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Published on December 11, 2018 Read More

Ajit Pai Admits Russia Meddled in Net Neutrality Process

Published on December 10, 2018

You don’t have to be a mobile app developer, programmer, or any other type of…

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A Look at How 3 Major Metropolitan Areas Are Approaching Smart Cities

Published on December 7, 2018

Urban areas around the world are embracing the concept of smart cities. And who can…

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Clutch 1000 Top B2B Service Provider

Dogtown Media Ranked 96th in the Top 1000 Global Service Providers on Clutch for 2018

Published on December 6, 2018

The tech industry needs a boost: Dogtown Media does that, and more as a Top…

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How IoT Is Transforming Health Tech for Providers

Published on December 6, 2018

The healthcare industry is infamous for being difficult to innovate in. With many practices steeped…

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Machine Learning Terms: All the Important Ones You Should Know

Published on December 3, 2018

Machine learning is going to change every industry. Want to know how it will affect…

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7 Top Health Tech Predictions for 2019

Published on November 29, 2018

Moving forward from 2018, health tech will pick up more steam as providers and hospitals…

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How to Launch Your App: Steps to Build a Mobile App People Will Love

Published on November 28, 2018

Have you ever had an idea for a mobile app but didn’t know where to…

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6 Machine Learning Use Cases for Mobile Apps

Published on November 26, 2018

Machine learning is going to change every industry. Want to know how it will affect…

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