Dogtown Media Supports the ENCRYPT Act

Published on June 11, 2018

Last week, a group of U.S. Representatives led by Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D-Los Angeles County)…

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U.S.-Mexico Border Security Is Testing Facial Recognition

Published on June 11, 2018

We recently wrote about Amazon’s Rekognition being sold to local law enforcement. This isn’t a…

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A Talent Shortage Is Holding Back FinTech

Published on June 8, 2018

In a recent study of 900 workers and employers in the U.K., 61% of FinTech…

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The Major Highlights from Mary Meeker’s 2018 Internet Trends Report

Published on June 7, 2018

Venture capitalist Mary Meeker is a rarity among her colleagues; being a woman in a…

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Computers Now Detect Skin Cancer Better than Doctors

Published on June 7, 2018

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming technology in our homes and at businesses. But one of…

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Smart Roads May Keep You Connected to the Internet

Published on June 6, 2018

The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing business operations every day. But consumers don’t see…

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Thousands of AI Researchers Are Boycotting the New Nature Journal

Published on June 5, 2018

When did science become so political? Between applying for government grants for research, paying journals…

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What Is Google’s Plan to Cash in on China?

Published on June 4, 2018

Google wants in on China’s burgeoning tech scene. The world’s largest country is going through…

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Big Benefits Could Be in Store for Tech Small Businesses Thanks to the New Tax Reform

Published on June 1, 2018

Whether you’re a mobile app developer or small bakery shop, tax reforms affect all business,…

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Amazon Is Lending a Hand to Police Surveillance

Published on June 1, 2018

Amazon’s ahead of their competitors right now for artificial intelligence-enabled voice assistants and consumer loyalty….

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