Google Officially Debuts Android Oreo During the Eclipse

Published on August 22, 2017

This afternoon, while everyone was looking skyward to catch a glimpse at that solar eclipse…

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Google Play and iOS App Stores Show Big Q1 Numbers

Published on April 28, 2017

It’s a great time to be an app developer as product flies off the proverbial…

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iOS vs Android: How to Create a Compelling UI

Published on May 24, 2016

One of the biggest misconceptions about UI design from newcomers to mobile app development is…

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Mozilla Exits Mobile Development, Focuses on Browser

Published on January 8, 2016

Most of us know Mozilla as the company behind Firefox, the highly customizable Chrome alternative….

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How Fragmentation Issues are Holding Android Back

Published on May 22, 2013

At last count there were over 3,000 possible combinations between different devices and software running…

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