Google, Facebook, and Other Tech Titans Take on Wildlife Crimes

Published on March 15, 2018

Mobile app development, the Internet, and technology have enabled humanity to produce positive results and…

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Will Apple’s Health Records Feature Change Medicine?

Published on March 8, 2018

When you first get a new phone, you probably spend quite a bit of time…

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Google Makes AR Search Tool Available for All New Phones

Published on March 6, 2018

Tired of having to type in keywords every time you want to search for something?…

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Has the AR Industry Already Been Conquered by Magic Leap?

Published on March 1, 2018

If there’s one word that aptly sums up augmented reality (AR) developer Magic Leap, it…

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The Main Obstacles in Blockchain’s Way to Mainstream Use

Published on February 28, 2018

By now, you’ve probably read a few articles that wax poetic about the plethora of…

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How Blockchain Can Benefit the Energy Industry

Published on February 15, 2018

There’s no denying that the development of blockchain technology has ushered in a new era…

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Google Wants to Predict Your Medical Outcome at the Hospital

Published on February 12, 2018

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already making an enormous impact in the global healthcare community. But…

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Is Tech Trying to Take Over Local News?

Published on February 7, 2018

At its core, social media functions as a modern avenue for information exchange. This is…

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1.4 Million Twitter Users Tricked by Russian Spam Accounts in 2016 Election

Published on February 6, 2018

Russian involvement in the 2016 United States presidential election has been a volatile point of contention…

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The Emerging Internet of Agriculture

Published on February 1, 2018

The Internet of Things is opening up the door for innovation in a variety of…

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